
A process to new understanding...

Friday, June 30, 2006

about SS and SC

haha!... I am not late today!! feel so bad to be late for 2 days in just 3 days!

ok anyway... topic of the day" SS and its relation to SC"

for the information of those that had not yet undergo streaming, SS is Social Studies. so we were learning about governance, what is governance, what is the qualities that a government have to be considered having good governance. let me just summarise it a bit so that thse other than sec 4 will not be lost...

Governance, by definition, is "the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented(or not implemented)"

In Singapore, 5 principles are crafted to evaluate good governance. they are:

Transparency - open and honest --> information about what the government is doing are easily available

Meritocracy - people are selected base on merit --> not by relationship

Pragmetism - solve problems with practical solutions --> adopt solutions that are concrete and not abstract

Forward- looking - always prepare for the future

Fairness - treats everyone fairly

ok. now the technical part is done, i will like to share with everyone some of the things that i reallise while i was learning the topic.

As i was learning about government, i thought of the student council. Arent we just like a government? or more accurately, the ministries? so does it mean that the 5 principles actually apply to us as well? so i started to evaluate the council with the 5 principles, and my findings isnt very welcoming.

no offence, but i reallise the tranparency of the council is really low, or you can say almost opaque. are the students in the know about what we are doing? i doubt. often the students are told about things only in the last minute and if you ask any one of them what we are doing, most of them would shake their head and in some cases, complain that the sc had been doing nothing. yes we might have informed the chairpersons and cca leaders when big events are coming up, but is that enough? does anyone know there is going to be a forum? does anyone know that there is going to be an improved version of SSS? does anyone know that we actually prepared the RV50 hat for everyone? does ANYONE know that disco is doing gate and block duty and cleanliness and welfare is raising the flag every morning? come to think of it....arent we hiding too much from the students? do you ever hear anyone saying to you how effective the sc is and they have done this and this and this and this and that they are grateful for what we have done? i think not many people do. sorry to be so negative here, but i suddenly have the strong feeling that we really should do something about it!

for this, we can look at how we select our sc. we might have discussed and most people actually agreed, that sc selection is more of a popularity vote. may be this way of selection practises democracy. or does it? about this, i have nothing much to say, because i dont quite see if there is any other better way of selecting SCs. moreover, SCs chosen are mostly pretty good. but i feel that there may be some rooms for improvement.]

arh...this one i have something to say. a very obvious example. you know we always talk about school spirit and how everything will be solved if the students have school spirit. and... had we ever come out with a PRACTICAL solution to improve school spirit? something initiated by ourself to bond the whole school and improve school spirit? hmm.... just that example i think is quite enough to show that we need improvement on this one

Forward - looking
well...nothing much to say. cause i really not quite sure what this really mean. just....we dont really plan for the future do we? we usually just stick to those standard events like, teachers day, racial harmony day, national day,...all those... and do we often foresee problems and solve them? just something to think about

well... only one thing to say, we SCs sometimes have previledges that others dont. is that good or bad its hard to say. is that fair or not fair also hard to say...

so... whats your view? do comment on this....i might sound harsh at some places... sound like i am anti SC or something, but be rest assured, i am not. this is really just some reflection

really, if we cant reach this five principles, its really no wonder that the students dont like SCs.
27th SC ending soon... it might be a good time to do some reflection!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006


what can make YP seriously du diao? here you have the BEST example...

imagine... just imagine....waking up early in the morning, about 5:50 that is, getting all ready to get to school early. so, you went out of the house 1 hour before school start, that is 6:30, and you wait at the bus stop. wait and wait and wait .... when all other buses that could hae pass have pass, here comes 963, the one you are you stand up.... lift up your hand, and zoom.... it went pass....

so you sit down and wait again.....wait wait wait.....until the cows come home... and here comes a 2 segments bus and you thought, heh! this one sure got space... and its stopping the red light .....after passing the bus stop....


so i took the next bus to the interchage and took 61 and sit on the bus for like 50 min and and got to school... 7 50....nice one huh?

is there really no other convenient route to the school?

help me....

last day of band....feels abit sad. just when i am really enjoying band, and it ends. well, really wish all bandsman good luck! dont piss ms chan off hor..... or i will really find everyone and do lecture liao... those who in band will know... i like to talk/lecture.



Wednesday, June 21, 2006

about exco treat and things


sorry for waiting zp. i know you have been visiting my blog and find no updates, or you have give up already? never mind.

really have a fun time at the exco treat, all thanks to anna and CL. i know it cost a bomb. we really enjoyed it! I eat until i cannot bend down! whats more interesting? i manage to pian 4 people!! haha.. sorry pals, for having betrayed your trust on me, that i am a honest person who never play trick on people. really cant help myself. sorry anna and yantong. i trick you two time. hehe

it is really my first time going into an arcade so enthusiatically with the urge to try out anything that i would have thought...."illegal" to me. come to think of it, i have did alot of things that i would not have dreamed trying. first arcade, then mah jong. but well, i think i feel the omen that i should not go arcade often since i forget to take my bag and went all the way back.

talking about going back to take my things, i really have to thank my best friend zp. today i really feel that i have you as the best friend. you are running like its your bag that is left there. really....thanks.... then in the shuttle bus, i saw you talk to the 2 little friends there. although you dont know them, i think your friendliness had told them that you are nice ppl. haha... gotta learn from you beh....

ok... after the arcade, we went to Geraldines house to play mah jong. nice mah jong set and table you have Gery! well... it looks nice. i think i learn quite fast. at least i now know how to play basic mah jong and dont have to be embarrase about not knowing how to play. really thanks seok hui and anna for their patience....really found it weird to teach mah jong in eng but well... nvm

oh ya... in the mrt... i think some of the sharks got see me writing things in my note book. i was thinking about work done and force and E=mc^2 and Nm and K.E. and those things. got some enlightenment. haha.
i managed to derive that work done is equall to mv^2 from the definition that work done is the product of force and distance. i subt in F=ma. since a=v/t and v = d/t, therefore, F= m(d/t)^2 . since d/t = v, therefore W.d. = mv^2. then i look at formula of K.E.= 1/2 mv^2. i have thought that K.E. is energy and workdone is energy also and they are the same. but from this i can see that they are not equal. so why? and is K.E a subset of W.D.? what is the other 1/2 mv^2? is it potential energy? or is it nuclear energy? then... since w.d. is force x distance... then what is the force here? should we imagine force like a hand pushing or pulling or like the engine of the rocket? what are we actually calculating when we calculate force x distance? logically speaking... it dont quite mean anything, and there is alot of grey areas. like when you puch something and it does not move. energy is still lost... as thermal energy... so why are we not considering those energy and just think they are not....affective work done.... ok its not....but... can we calculate the total energy used? including thermal energy? some more. wait.... what is the use of calculating W.D. ? we dont really use it to calculate...K.E. or GPE. ... may be for calculating calory... nvm.... i just find alot of grey areas in the fields of knowledge on work done and energy and things... abit abstract....

well... enough physics... may be i can start posting all my funny physics questions here...may be someone can enlighten me?

ok... enough for today